Gladinet Cloud New Feature Updates
Gladinet is doing agile software development. Every week, there is some enhancements on the Gladinet Cloud (which doesn’t require client binary software download). Every month, there will be some enhancements on the client binaries that you can download and use. This article will document some of the new features in the Gladinet Cloud Team Edition. Start of Group Policy – In the Cloud When you have a team of users that are using the same Gladinet Cloud service and share the team work space, you would like to be able to set a bunch of settings for each of the individual users. In the old LAN (Local Area Network) environment, it was the user policy and group policy that we are familiar with. Now with Cloud Storage and Web based browser and management, it is also possible to set the settings for the users. Starting this week, you will see the policy settings appear in the Gladinet Cloud Web Management front. Over time, you will see more and more settings coming into Group Policy.