Gladinet Cloud New Feature Updates

New128whiteQ1 2012 is another busy quarter for Gladinet. In this quarter, Gladinet Cloud adds many new features.

More Cloud Service Support in Team Edition

Gladinet supports many cloud storage services in its Starter and Professional Edition (Gladinet Cloud Desktop). It supports the same list of cloud storage services in its Cloud Server product.  These products support direct client side connection to the many cloud storage services.

Now Team Edition is different in that it supports the cloud storage services from the Gladinet Cloud service side, instead of from the client device side. The benefit of the service side integration is that it offers 2-way sync, sharing and collaboration, notification and team concept much better than a simple client device integration.

In Q1 2012, Gladinet added support of Windows Azure, EMC Atmos 2.0 and Nirvanix to its team edition, in addition to the existing support of Amazon S3, Amazon S3 compatible, Google Cloud Storage, Rackspace Cloud Files, OpenStack and varieties of OpenStack instances. Now you can plug in many different kind of public or private cloud storage services to Gladinet Cloud Team Edition.


Better Usability for Team Information

If you were the team admin, you would like to see team information from a glance. Now in the Gladinet Cloud web portal, there is an information panel that has summary information such as how many shared folder, how many team folder are there in the team.


Create Version Control Folder

Before, you need to create a team folder to get a folder that is under version control. Now you can create version control folder from the information panel on the right.

Attach Cloud Storage

Before, you can only attach cloud storage at the client devices such as Desktop, Laptop and File Server. Now you can attach Cloud Storage directly inside the Team Edition and enjoy the attached cloud storage from all the end client devices, including the web browser interface.

Comments and Descriptions for Folder

on the information panel, you can also put description and comments related to the folder.


File Locking

You can now lock a file so you have exclusive right to update the file.


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