Android Client for OS 2.3+ Available in Google Play

Two weeks ago, Gladinet Cloud Team Client for Android OS 4.0/4.1 was released to Google Play market store. This week, same android client is ready for OS 2.3+ (API 8 and up). Next step will be to port this android 2.3 based app to Blackberry Playbook.
If you bring up Google Play market app from your Android 2.3+ devices, you can find Gladinet Cloud in the Google Play store.
After install and open the Gladinet app, you will see the login screen.
Then you can browse your Gladinet Team account from this point on.

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Anonymous said…
Cloud computing environments irrespective of their flavor provide stringent data loss prevention and disaster recovery measures. Client’s data hosted in the cloud is routinely backed up and stored safely so it can be readily accessed in case of emergency.

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