Build 9.6.5473 (June 12, 2018)

What's new in this week's CentreStack Release? Check out the details below...

CentreStack: 9.6.5473.41339  |  Widows Client: 9.6.2523.41298  |  Mac Client: 9.6.41307
  • When share file/folder from web portal, add 'GET LINK' button. It can create the share and display the share link. Can access the share via the link.
  • Enhance webdav to support path name containing ampersand
  • Enhance share permission
  • When a local share is imported into Centrestack directly, enhance NTFS permission sync on windows client
  • Support localization for Compliance Center
  • Enhance video preview on web
  • Enhance Mac client in place editing
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