Build 10.1.6296.42951 (February 4th, 2019)

What's new in this week's CentreStack Release? Check out the details below...

CentreStack10.1.6296.42951 | Windows Client10.1.2688.42917 | Mac Client10.1.42951

  • Enhance folder sharing on web portal. Can share the folder only, without subfolders
  • Enhance Sharepoint support
  • Enhance API call to list Group
  • Enhance role assignment when edit user
  • In email templates branding, add button to send testing email to admin
  • Enhance windows client message when it is offline
  • Enhance System Sync Down task in windows client
  • Enhance large task handling in Mac client
  • Enhance Mac client context menu
  • Enhance Mac client to support multiple users login Mac machine simultaneously

Download the new release here!


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