Cloud Storage and Developers
Developers, developers, developers! I still remember this Steve Ballmer video . Even companies as big as Microsoft need more developers. It is so easy to create a cloud storage nowadays. Sign up for an Amazon S3 account, download a .NET library or a PHP library, you are on your way to a weekend project to kick start your cloud storage offering. It is a crowded space. Many services are competing at the capacity level, such as 50G - 25G for free. Not many users still look at 2G free offering. This is a no win competition and will drive the margin thin. To win, it has to come down to the killer apps and the services on top of the storage. For example, if you have Gmail, you were locked into the service and the storage. Whoever offers the best apps stays. Whoever gets the most developers to write apps wins. We are one of the developers, delivering cloud services to user's desktop. We released the Gladinet Cloud Desktop , build 71 to the web today. It was not easy and we are mov...