
Showing posts from 2015

User Group Management in CentreStack

CentreStack is an enterprise file sync and share platform. Group Manager in CentreStack makes it easy for administrators to manage users where administrators can assign groups to published contents instead of individual users. Administrators can also import existing AD groups besides importing individual AD users in CentreStack. The video below demonstrates how to create groups, add users to the groups and then use those groups when assigning permissions to published content.

Overview of the New Web User Interface (UI) in CentreStack

CentreStack is an enterprise file sync and share platform. The web design plays a critical role in how users and administrators perceive the ease of use of the platform. We have recently updated our Web UI following responsive web design principles and making it much easier to find different objects and options in web interface. We strive to ensure that our platform Web UI design and development respond to the user’s behavior and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation. We also want to make sure administration in our web based management console is easy and streamlined where administrators can easily find the objects and options they are looking for. We also provide brief descriptions under all the settings that can be configured in our management console. For users it is now much easier to browse folders and files, create new folders, share content etc. The video below demonstrates the new web UI of the CentreStack platform.

Cluster Manager in CentreStack

CentreStack is an enterprise file sync and share platform. Cluster Manager in CentreStack is the management console for cluster admins where they can do administrative tasks including cluster branding, tenant creation and management, setting up email services, health of the cluster, cluster reports and cluster settings. The video below demonstrates different options of the Cluster Manager in CentreStack.

Auditing and Reporting in CentreStack

CentreStack in an Enterprise File Sync and Share platform. It has built-in auditing and reporting which is critical for organizations to keep track of all the changes that are being done in the system. A tenant admin can look upload reports, storage statistics, team folders, audit trace, and file change logging. The video below demonstrates how to generate different reports and look at resource utilization in CentreStack.

Attaching AWS S3 Cloud Storage to CentreStack

CentreStack is an on-premise enterprise file sync, share, and collaboration platform. CentreStack can be integrated with many cloud storage services like AWS S3, Azure blog storage, IBM Softlayer object storage, OpenStack and many more. If you setup the CentreStack on-premise, the primary storage can be your file server storage and the auxiliary storage can be other cloud storage services like AWS S3. The video below demonstrates how to attach AWS S3 storage to the CentreStack platform.

Guest Users in CentreStack

CentreStack is an Enterprise File Sync, Share, and Collaboration Platform. It can be hosted On-Premise with Active Directory integration. Guest users play an important role as three free guest user accounts can be created for every named user license purchased. The guest users are users outside of the team users domain but receive file or folder shares from team user. Team user creates guest users through the file sharing or folder sharing activities. Tenant admin can also create guest users in Management Console\User Manager\Guest User Manager. They can be assigned read-only permissions or can have full control on the shared content with read and write access. Guest users can use all access clients which includes web browsers, Windows and MAC, and mobile clients. The video below demonstrates how to create a guest user in Management Console\User Manager\Guest User Manager or during file or folder sharing.

Publishing Team Folders and Setting Permissions in CentreStack

CentreStack in an Enterprise File Sync and Share platform. It allows creating team folders or attaching existing shares as team folders and publishing them so users who are given permissions to the team folders can access the data and collaborate on that data. This video below demonstrates how to create and publish a team folder and set different permission levels for users.

Add Another User As a Tenant Administrator in CentreStack

CentreStack is an Enterprise File Sync, Share, and Collaboration platform. In large organizations it might be necessary to have multiple tenant administrators to share responsibilities or delegate administrative tasks. The video below demonstrates how to add another user as a tenant administrator.

Attaching OpenStack Cloud Storage to CentreStack

CentreStack is an Enterprise File Sync, Share, and Collaboration solution. It allows attaching cloud storage services from vendors like AWS S3,  Azure blob storage, OpenStack, etc. The video below demonstrates how to attach OpenStack cloud storage to CentreStack.

Basics of Tenant Creation in CentreStack

CentreStack is an Enterprise File Sync, Share, and Collaboration solution. The Service Provider Edition of CentreStack allows the creation of unlimited number of tenants. The Service Provider Edition allows the MSPs to host their own 100% On-Premise Enterprise File Sync, Share, and Collaboration platform. Each tenant can integrate their own Active Directory infrastructure and attach their own file servers. The video below shows the basics of tenant creation. For more details, please visit

Integration of Active Directory Infrastructure into CentreStack

CentreStack is an Enterprise File Sync, Share, and Collaboration platform. It allows organizations to integrate their existing Active Directory infrastructure and file servers. Users can then access that data from anywhere using any device over public internet without the need to connect via SSL VPN. CentreStack also support multiple forest and multiple domain integration. It allows importing AD users and Groups from different domains and provide access to users in different domains. Please take a look at this video to see how to integrate AD into CentreStack and import users and groups: To learn more, please visit

Installing CentreStack on Windows 8.1

With this week’s release, we made CentreStack enterprise server work on Windows 10, Windows 8,8.1 and Windows 7. For a production environment, we still recommend installing CentreStack on Server Platform such as Windows server 2012 and Windows server 2012 R2. For administrators and potential customers, if they want to just check out the user interface and features of the CentreStack solution, it may be much easier for them to prepare a Windows 10/8/7 machine and try it out as a development server. Most of the time, there may be just a few users on the system and in a very convenient way, all the features are all available. For example, a sales person can bring the solution on his laptop; a system administrator can have a full copy of the CentreStack server on his desktop. We give full personal, non-commercial use licenses for these kind of use cases. Without further ado, here is the demo video for Windows 8.1 installation.   For more information, please visit http://www.centresta

Installing CentreStack Server on Windows 10

CentreStack Enterprise Server is a server solution. Windows 10 is a client platform. You are probably surprised that we allow installing an Enterprise Server on a client platform.   The reason is simple. We still recommend running CentreStack Server on Windows Server platform in a production environment. However, there are system administrators that just want to have a development server or have a quick way to check out the CentreStack functionalities, a clean Windows 10 box is much easier to get compares to a full blown Windows 2012 R2 box.   We also want to offer a way for system administrators to check out CentreStack features without consuming product licenses so installing on a Windows 10 box is perfect for this purpose. We offer system administrators free personal non-commercial licenses for the CentreStack servers that they installed on Windows 10/8/7.   Here you go, the installation tutorial video.     For more information, please visit

Gladinet Cloud Enterprise New Web Portal Design

In the latest September release, the web portal had a new design in place for users to be more productive and at the same time,  more beautiful to look at.     Here is a YouTube video documenting the changes.

OpenStack EFSS (File Sync and Share) with Active Directory–Part III

This article documents the integration with SwiftStack and per-user Active Directory account support both in the SwiftStack and Gladinet Cloud Enterprise (CentreStack). SwiftStack implements OpenStack Swift. It also integrates with Active Directory. In SwiftStack, you can turn on the LDAP authentication and also specify which LDAP Attribute will be used to identify the user. For example, UPN name or sAMAccount name are all good choices. In Gladinet Cloud Enterprise, it has Active Directory integration as well. Even more, it supports SwiftStack’s per-Active-Directory account management.

OpenStack EFSS (File Sync and Share) with Active Directory–Part II

We discussed about OpenStack EFSS (File Sync and Share) support in this article . This article demonstrates the ability with SwiftStack OpenStack implementation and also demonstrates the ability for very big Active Directory Enterprise integration. For big enterprise, typically they have their own employee self-service portal, where employees will go to get product and services the Enterprise IT department provides. For this reason, the integration typically is done via API (Application Programming Interface). In this article, we demonstrates how to map a SwiftStack OpenStack Swift container to an Active Directory user using PowerShell.

Private Team Folder

Team Folder in the past was managed by administrators. Administrator can create, edit, delete team folders. The team folder can be published to a group of users, including Active Directory group. It is very convenient to share files and folders with a group of users in the same team. As team groups bigger, it may not be convenient for administrator to manage all the team folders. So it makes sense for administrator to assign some users to be able to manage team folder that they own themselves.   Role Manager It usually starts with the role manager by creating a role with Add/Edit/Delete permissions and assign it to users or Active Directory groups. Manage Team Folder The user who are in the private team folder role will be able to manage team folders without seeing all the team folders from everyone.   Here is a YouTube Video about private team folder

File Manager for Mobile Web Browser

The web browser based file manager has been there in the Gladinet Cloud Enterprise since the very beginning. It looks like the one in the following picture.   For mobile devices such as iPhone, iPad or Android, there has been the native apps from day 1 as well. However, there may be users that don’t want to use the native mobile applications. Instead, they prefer the web browser interface without any installation. So now the mobile file manager interface is available too. Here is a video documenting the mobile web browser file manager interface.

New Features for the Summer

There were many new features added since last blog. These features includes Private Team Folder Branding Support Mobile Web Portal There are also many other features added. Over the next few weeks, we will be creating demo videos for these new features.

Worker Node Load Balance

Gladinet Cloud Enterprise is a file sync and share solution. When it comes to big enterprise or big user group, one worker node is not enough. The designed capacity of each worker node is around 5000 to 10,000 users per worker node. When multiple worker nodes exist in the same cluster, load balancing is required to fully take advantage of the multiple worker nodes. This video documents the two different ways to do load balancing and the related configuration settings.

Active Directory Multiple Email Addresses Support

Gladinet Cloud Enterprise is a File Sync and Share solution. In big enterprise, people usually have multiple email addresses. There could be one main one and multiple email alias. Sometimes the email address survives merger and acquisition. For example, it is a pretty common practice in the bank industry that people have email addresses from the previous bank and the email address from the current parent bank. Sometimes the email address survives company split. The company may be splitting into two different companies and the same person may have two email addresses, one with the company before the split and one with the company after the split. Whatever the reason is, supporting multiple email addresses for file sync and share is important.  Exchange server has been supporting multiple email alias for a long time. Email received at different email alias will be consolidated into one single email inbox. Supporting multiple email addresses in file sync and share solution is also imp

Multiple Active Directories in One Single Tenant

As part of a series of demo videos about active directory support in Gladinet Cloud Enterprise, a file sync and share solution for private enterprises, today’s video is about how to setup multiple active directories in a tenant. In the most cases, one active directory per tenant is enough. However, in banks, they typically keep multiple directories around and these directories can be from multiple isolated forests for historic reasons. So the question is, how do you make all the users from multiple directories all on board on the file sync and share solution? Here you go, the video demonstrates how to get it done. for more information, please visit and check the enterprise section.

Gladinet Cloud Enterprise and Its Server Agent

Gladinet Cloud Enterprise is a file sync and share solution. It is usually installed in a data center, with a public IP address and a SSL certificate for a DNS name. The server agent is a client for the Gladinet Cloud Enterprise. It can be installed in a remote location, typically on a file server inside an Active Directory domain. It can proxy the Active Directory calls and File Server access over by communicating to the Gladinet Cloud Enterprise server. Here is a video demo session for the Gladinet Cloud Enterprise and the server agent. For more information, please visit and check out the file server section.

Gladinet Cloud Enterprise Active Directory Support Video


Gladinet Cloud Enterprise Active Directory Support

Gladinet Cloud Enterprise is a file sync and share solution. It has extensive support for Active Directory. We will have series of articles documenting the different Active Directory support scenarios. Today’s article will start from two most basic scenarios: Active Directory is local to the GCE in local area network Active Directory is remote at client’s location, over the Internet Local Active Directory Local Active Directory can be connected directly via LDAP or LDAP with security settings. In this case,  it is very easy to set up. From the web portal, log in as tenant administrator, go to the management console and then Advanced->Active Directory to set it up.   Remote Active Directory When  Active Directory is at a remote location, customers typically will be reluctant to open firewall for the LDAP access over the Internet. In this case, we recommend installing the Server Agent and the Server Agent will proxy out the Active Directory connection and also the File Serve

Group Share with Active Directory and In the Cloud Video

Here is the video for the Group Share with Active Directory, in the Cloud blog.   For more information, visit and visit the enterprise section.

Group Share with Active Directory, In the Cloud

So what is new? That may be the first question. Group share is not new, Active Directory is not new either. With a Microsoft Active Directory domain and file server, users can do group share and collaboration in a local area network already. The new stuff is that now you can do it in the cloud, without VPN. Also you can extend the access method to web browser and mobile phones, in addition to the traditional desktops, PC and Mac. Lab Setup To show how it is done, we have a lab setup with one Gladinet Cloud Enterprise Server, One Active Directory Server and One Windows File Server. For demonstration purpose, the Active Directory Server and the File Server can co-exist on the same Windows 2012 server. As shown below, Gladinet Cloud Enterprise is running at “Windows 2012 R2 Gladinet (11)”, which it will have a public IP Address and DNS name. The Active Directory and File Server are running at the “Windows 2012 R2 AD (10)”. This Active Directory server can be behind the second firewa

2-Step Verification Demo Video

Here is the demo video to go with the 2-Step Verification blog published yesterday.   For more information, visit

2-Step Verification for Gladinet Cloud Enterprise

2-Step Verification adds an extra layer of security to your Gladinet Web Portal Access. By entering a one-time verification code from your mobile phone after you type your password, you can make it much tougher for an unauthorized person to gain access to your Gladinet account. On the demands of many of our enterprise customers we are very excited to announce that Gladinet Cloud Enterprise has added this security feature that helps protect your Gladinet Web Portal Access from threats like password compromise and identity theft. Enable the Feature Tenant admin can enable the 2-Step Verification feature in Cluster Manager\Cluster Settings\Settings by checking the box ‘Turn On 2-Step Verification’. Once the feature is enabled by the tenant administrator, users will see the ‘Two-Step Verification’ option under their username in web portal.

Windows File Server Online Sharing

Today we had an online session about how to turn Windows File Server into an online collaboration platform. Traditionally Windows File Server is a local area network collaboration platform. In order to use the file server, a VPN is required if the access is from outside. With the cloud storage and the Gladinet Cloud Enterprise, The reach of a traditional file server can be extended from local area network to a wide area network (the Internet and the cloud).   For more information, please visit for the enterprise section.

Accessing SoftLayer Object Storage from Windows Desktop

This video demonstrates accessing SoftLayer Object Storage from Windows Desktop. The SoftLayer Object Storage is mounted as a Windows Drive. In addition, local folders can be attached to SoftLayer Object Storage for two-way synchronization.

Online File Sharing Solution based on SoftLayer Object Storage

SoftLayer Object Storage is based on OpenStack Swift. It is one kind of cloud storage services. As a cloud storage service, it is a basic building block to construct an online file sharing solution. This video demonstrates using IBM SoftLayer Object Storage, together with Gladinet Cloud Enterprise to form an online file sharing solution.

Access OpenStack Swift Files from Windows Phone

This is part of the OpenStack Swift EFSS (Enterprise File Sync and Share) series of videos. This video demonstrates how to use Windows Phone (8, 8.1 and above) to access files and folders on OpenStack Swift Object Storage. For more information, please visit

Gladinet Cloud Enterprise Multiple Zone Support

When you use Gladinet Cloud Enterprise to setup your own file sync and share solution,  sometimes you have files coming from multiple sites that you do not wish to have replication into one site. However, you have users from multiple sites that mostly use the files coming from their own site instead of doing cross-site access. For the multiple site with replication solution, that is the File Server Agent solution, which we covered in the past. Now today’s article is about multiple sites without replication. So you want users in NY accessing the files from New York and you want users from LA accessing the files from Las Angeles. Here is the video about the setup. For more information, please visit and go to the enterprise section.

Selective Auto Client Upgrade

Managed Service Providers (MSP) have been using Gladinet Cloud Enterprise for file sync and share solution for their customers.  The auto client upgrade is a big feature because it makes the service provider’s life easy since they may also manage the customer’s desktop. One of the concern in the past is how to test the client auto-upgrade before it is pushed out to a lot more users. Now here is the answer, the administrator can select some users to try it out first. Provide the Email Addresses of the Users to Auto-Update the Clients Login as the cluster admin and go to Cluster Manager\Cluster Settings\Settings and provide the email addresses for whom the latest client should be published in the ‘Apply to Users:’ field and click on ‘Publish’.

File Server to File Server Synchronization over Cloud Storage

A useful use case for cloud storage is to do file server to file server synchronization over cloud storage. The file servers may come from different locations. In the past, it is not easy to replicate a folder from server A to server B. A VPN needs to be in place for synchronization to happen. It is also not easy to access file server from remote location. Again it requires a VPN. This video demonstrates that we can use cloud storage to do file server to file server synchronization. The end result is that both site can access to the same file server contents and also enable multiple-site, and multiple-place access to the same set of folders. For more information, please visit

Enterprise File Sync and Share based on SoftLayer Object Storage

SoftLayer Object Storage is based on OpenStack Object Storage. For IBM customers who wants to have a enterprise file sync and share solution completely self-contained within SoftLayer infrastructure, they can setup SoftLayer virtual server running Gladinet Cloud Enterprise and connect to SoftLayer Object Storage as the backend storage. This video demonstrates how to setup an Enterprise File Sync and Share (EFSS) solution based on SoftLayer infrastructure and using SoftLayer Object Storage.

Enterprise File Sync and Share (EFSS) based on OpenStack Swift, With File Server Migration

Gladinet Cloud Enterprise is an Enterprise File Sync and Share solution. One of the important use case is to migrate traditional Windows File Server to OpenStack Swift. This video demonstrates how to set up Gladinet Cloud Enterprise and the included File Server Agent. The File Server Agent software running on the Windows File Server can synchronize files and folders from local folder (network share) to OpenStack Swift Object Storage and vise versa. The end result is over time, the files and folders are available from both the local file server and the remote OpenStack Swift object storage.   For more information, go to and visit the enterprise section.

File Sync and Share Solution for Big Enterprises, with OpenStack Swift

OpenStack is used more and more by enterprises and service providers for the File-Sync-and-Share (EFSS) solution. A normal process is that the enterprise will start with a proof-of-concept with small number of users, figure out all the limitations and then move on to a bigger implementation such as make it ready for hundreds of thousands of employees to use in a production environment. In OpenStack Swift, there is a small technical detail that affects scalability, which is the number-of-objects-per-container. Basically per-object upload latency will increase considerably once the number reach a certain point. From the OpenStack Swift community, the best practice is to keep number-of-objects-per-container to be just under one million. In this article, we will lead you through the path from small POC to big all-employee deployment, with Gladinet Cloud Enterprise and OpenStack Swift, with this technical limitation in mind. POC In Proof-of-Concept stage, typically the users are focused

New Look and Feel for 2015

Every once in a while, we will improve  the web portal user interface. This time around, we improves the icons used in the web portal. For example, the folder type icons and file type icons are increased from 24x24 to 32x32. There are some other changes to the web portal too. Here you go, a quick video demonstrates the new web portal for the Gladinet Cloud Enterprise, the Enterprise File Sync and Share solution.

Multiple Roles for the Same User

Gladinet Cloud Enterprise is an Enterprise File Sync and Share solution. As it is used more and more in enterprise, it becomes imperative to delegate administrative tasks to different administrators or people. For example, you may want to have administrators that have read-only permissions to certain management scopes. You may also want to have some administrators take on a couple of management tasks but not all the management tasks. In the past, we introduced Role Manager that can create roles and assign the roles to users. When it was first introduced, there was a limitation that each user can only take on one role. Now with the Multiple-Role support, each user can take on different roles. This makes it easier to manage bigger File Sync and Share deployments. Create a Role First create a role under Management Console\User Manager\Role Manager and select the different operational tasks for the role created.

Split Database for Better Performance

Gladinet Cloud Enterprise (GCE) is an Enterprise File Sync, Share, and Collaboration solution.  During POC (Proof of Concept) stage and early production stage, it probably doesn’t matter how the configuration information and runtime data is stored. However, as more and more users are getting onto the system. We need to start thinking about split the database for better performance and adding worker nodes for load balance. Two Types of Traffic GCE database is one of the most critical components of the GCE platform as it contains two distinct type of data. The first type is static which includes for example username, email, and the user’s published shared files and folders. This type of data is relatively small and can be estimated at 5000 bytes per user. Therefore, for a 2000 user implementation, the database size for this static data can be estimated at 10 MB. The second type of data is volatile for example; file change log, audit trace, and the file list. The database size for th

Team Folder Ownership

Gladinet Cloud Enterprise is a file sync and share solution. When it comes to sharing, the first thing comes to mind was the built-in Team Folder feature since the very beginning of Gladinet Cloud Enterprise. From the concept level, team folder is a lot like a traditional network share. They are both folders. They can both be assigned to users. However, team folder is for the cloud while the network share was for the past.  In the cloud era, one of the biggest challenge is how to manage team folders for a very big organization with more than hundreds of users? Certainly you don’t want the same administrator to manage all the team folders for all the groups and teams for all the hundreds of users. You want to delegate, you want to give ownership to team users so they can help manage the team folders. This article is about ownership of team folders. Enable Advanced Settings Since some large companies may want this feature and some smaller companies may not want this feature. First y

Install Gladinet Cloud Enterprise on Server 2012 R2 Core

Gladinet Cloud Enterprise is built on top of Windows Web Platform. When it comes to Windows Web Platform, the best available so far is the Windows Server 2012 R2 and the IIS Web stack that comes with the server. Most of the time, you will just start with a Server 2012 R2 standard user interface, which is the easiest to get started. However, what if you have a Server 2012 Core to start with? This article talks about how to go from there. The Gladinet Cloud Enterprise installation program itself is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) installer. So it requires the server-gui-shell Windows Feature. Start with PowerShell Let’s say we have Server 2012 core now, and all we have is a command line interface. We are going to start with the PowerShell and use PowerShell to install the components we need.  We can use the command prompt to launch into PowerShell. At the command prompt, we just type powershell to do so. After that, we need to install the first component server-gui-mgmt-infra. Thi

Team Collaboration Notification

Collaboration is a key component of Gladinet’s Enterprise Data Sync, Share, and Collaboration solution. Comes together with collaboration, is the requirements of notification when people around you collaborates on the files and folders. You would like to see change notification or action-related notification such as someone uploaded a file or downloaded a file and so on.  This article documents the notification features in the Gladinet Cloud Enterprise. Personal Share Each individual user can share files and folders in his/her home drive to other users. There is a pair of  per-user setting “Send email notification when file is downloaded” and “Send email notification when file is uploaded”. This way, the user who starts a personal share can receive action-related notification when people touches the files and folders.

Turn OpenStack Swift into an Enterprise File Sync and Share Solution

OpenStack Swift is used more and more in Enterprise. This article covers one of the key use case of OpenStack Swift, by turning it into an Enterprise File Sync and Share (EFSS) solution. There are three aspects of the EFSS solution that makes it Enterprise ready. (1) Active Directory Integration, and possibly cover multiple active directories or even multiple forests. (2) Scripting Interface to provision the service to end users. (3) Scale the solution up to support hundreds of thousands of users. In this article, we will cover the PowerShell scripting interface to provision the service to an end user in the Active Directory. At the end, we will show a video demo which covers the process from end to end.  Background Information We will use the PowerShell scripting interface to connect the following e100_home OpenStack Swift container to an active directory user Below is an Active Directory user . We will provision the File Sync and

Multiple Active Directory Forests Support

Gladinet Cloud Enterprise is a private Enterprise file sync, share and collaboration solution. When it comes to enterprise solution, Active Directory support is a must-have feature. In the past, Gladinet Cloud Enterprise supports multiple active directories from one single forest. For example, you can point to the root domain such as and all the users from,, are all available to the file sync and share solution here. Enterprises’ active directory infrastructure can get complicated. For example, through merger and acquisition, the enterprise may have multiple active directories all co-exist at the same time, while these active directories are all independent. Now Gladinet Cloud Enterprise adds the feature to support multiple independent active directory forests. Here is a quick How-To guide on how to enable the multiple active directory forests support. Enable the Multiple Domain Support Login as a cluster admin and check the option ‘E

Allow Cluster Admin to Manage Tenants’ Management Scope

Gladinet Cloud Enterprise is a private file sync and share solution. It comes with two flavors, one for single company, the enterprise flavor and the other for multi-tenant service provider flavor. This article is about the multi-tenant service provider solution. As a service provider, sometimes you have multiple roles. Not only do you need to manage the cluster wide settings and configurations and the overall health of the system, you also need to help tenants manage the tenants’ management scope. In the past, the two management scope are handled by two different users in the system. First is the cluster administrator and second is the tenant administrator for each tenant. Now it is possible to consolidate the two management roles into one. Tenant Gives the Permission Now a cluster admin can manage Tenants directly from her own Tenant Manager Web portal. Once the ‘Allow Cluster Admin to Manage My Tenant’ group policy setting is enabled by a tenant, the cluster admin can directly

Use PowerShell to Manage User and User’s Home Directory

Gladinet Cloud Enterprise is a private file sync and share solution for enterprise.  As an administrator for the Gladinet Cloud Enterprise solution, you may be responsible for setting up home directories for users in the solution. PowerShell is very convenient for this kind of task. Today’s example is using PowerShell to setup a home directory version folder after the user has been created. For demonstration purpose, we will use the PowerShell ISE. Since the ISE has the help panel, it is very easy to see each PowerShell commands. In this example, The GCE server is at, the administrator is and the password is dddddddd. PowerShell ISE

Per-Tenant Branding For the Service Provider Edition

Gladinet Cloud Enterprise is a file sync and share solution. It has two flavors, one for enterprise and one for service provider.  For the service provider edition, in some cases, the tenant may want to provide their own branding. This article documents the per-tenant branding support in the multi-tenant Gladinet Cloud Service Provider solution. Cluster Setting – Enable Per-Tenant Branding First the cluster administrator needs to go to the cluster settings page and enable “Tenant Branding”

Use PowerShell to Manage OpenStack Swift Containers in Gladinet Cloud Enterprise

Gladinet Cloud Enterprise is a self-hosted file sync and share solution. It works well on top of OpenStack Swift as the private cloud storage. When Gladinet Cloud Enterprise and OpenStack Swift combined together, it is a very good private file sync and share solution. When it comes to OpenStack Swift as the storage and serving end users, questions arise about how to map an OpenStack Swift container to an end user, or map multiple OpenStack Swift containers to an end user. This article demonstrates using PowerShell to achieve the mapping. PowerShell Module Gladinet Cloud Enterprise ships with a PowerShell module. It is the GCEAutomation.dll in the installation folder. You can copy the DLL to a Windows machine where you will be issuing the PowerShell command. The Windows machine will need to have full .NET framework and also at least PowerShell 3.0 installed (PowerShell 3.0 is part of the Windows Management Framework 3.0) To Start, you will need a PowerShell command or the PowerShell

Supporting Multiple URL for Service Provider

As a File Sync and Share solution for Service Provider, sometimes you may need to support multiple companies, each with a different URL. For example, company A may want to access the solution as and company B may want to access the same solution as As a service provider, one possible solution is to setup two different Gladinet Cloud Enterprise servers, one for company A and one for company B. However, it may be more efficient if both company A and company B are on the same Gladinet Cloud Enterprise server and each access the file sync and share solution via a different URL. So it is a multi-tenant file sync and share solution with support for multiple different company URLs. Server Name Indication The first step is to enable SSL for multiple different URLs because each company would like to access the URL via SSL. To enable multiple HTTPS SSL binding on the same server, first we will need to use Server Name Indication (SNI), which is availab

OpenStack EFSS (Enterprise File Sync and Share) Solution with iOS Device

When you have selected OpenStack Swift as your enterprise storage, you may be looking for an EFSS (Enterprise File Sync and Share) solution. As part of the EFSS solution, accessing files and folders from iOS devices such as iPhone or iPad is a must for the feature set. This video demonstrates using iOS device to access files and folders on the OpenStack as part of the EFSS solution.

Happy New Year 2015

Happy new year 2015! As we are in 2015 and look back to year 2014, Gladinet Cloud Enterprise made pretty big progress toward enterprise grade. It is becoming more and more of an enterprise file sync and share solution, driven by enterprises that had adopted the solution. Some enterprises that had adopted Gladinet Cloud Enterprise have more than 50,000 users that are active on the Gladinet Cloud Enterprise system. List of Major Changes in 2014 Here is a list of changes in 2014 that drives the product toward enterprise adoption Support AD forest (with multiple Active Directory) Auto client upgrade Pass enterprise security scan More Group Policy to control produce behavior Enhanced OpenStack support (more and more enterprise are using OpenStack) Enhance Audit Trace and File Change Log File Sharing with distribution list Enhance Single Server Scalability to 10,000 users per worker node Support DFS as backend storage Role based administration and Assign role to AD group Add