
Showing posts from October, 2014

Gladinet Cloud Enterprise DFS Support

Gladinet Cloud Enterprise in the past has been supporting the regular Microsoft Network Share. The use case is to give online access, mobile access and remote access to Microsoft network shares, over web browser, iOS and Android devices and from remote locations. The Microsoft DFS Share is a little bit different from the regular Microsoft Network Share in that it needs an additional step to translate the distributed file system share into a regular network share. This video documents the Gladinet Cloud Enterprise DFS Support.

Easy Upgrade–Gladinet Cloud Enterprise

There are two ways to upgrade Gladinet Cloud Enterprise. First one is by using the same installer and the installer will detect the existing installation and do an upgrade. This method is very easy and straight forward because it is about clicking one upgrade button and the rest of the upgrade work is done. There is also another script method of upgrading. While the installer way is good for small setup, the script way may be good for big deployment. The following 5-minute video documents the installer upgrade.

Gladinet Cloud Enterprise October 2014 Review

Here is a 10-minute video documents the cluster administration, tenant administration and the normal user’s file and folder view in the web portal.