Map a Network Drive to Google Storage

Google Storage for Developers is Google’s  cloud storage offering with a RESTful API over HTTP/HTTPS. It allows developers to build applications around the Google’s cloud storage offering. 

Gladinet is building applications around the cloud storage, allowing you to access and backup to the cloud storage through a mapped network drive. With the version 2.2.378, you can preview the features with the Google Storage on a network drive.


After you installed the Tech Preview 2.2.378 build, you will see a Generic Google Storage link in your Gladinet Drive.


Clicking on the link will launch the cloud storage mounting wizard.


You can get the Access Key and Secret from your Google Storage for Developer page.



After you put in the Access Key and Secret, the Gladinet software will load the Google Storage plug-in.


Now your Google Storage is mapped as a network drive. You can drag and drop folders and files into your Google Storage.


After you have uploaded folders/files to your Google Storage, you can use the Google Storage Manager web interface to view those files.


Download the Gladinet Cloud Desktop 2.2.378 Tech Preview for Google Storage!


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