
Showing posts from April, 2014

Running Gladinet Cloud Enterprise inside HP CloudSystem Matrix

The following video shows how to setup a service template inside HP CloudSystem Matrix with basic Windows Server 2008 R2. After that, we can start the virtual machine and install the Gladinet Cloud Enterprise in the HP CloudSystem Matrix. The end game is an enterprise private sync and share solution running inside the CloudSystem Matrix/Virtual Machine/Virtual Network environment.

OpenStack Swift and Enterprise Sync and Share

We are seeing more and more Enterprises deploying OpenStack Swift as an enterprise wide object storage platform. After that, they are looking for a sync and share solution that they can self-host and self-deploy, side by side with their OpenStack Swift solution. This article documents a quick and easy setup of Gladinet Cloud Enterprise as the enterprise sync and share solution on top of OpenStack Swift. Step 1: OpenStack Swift as the Storage Layer First the enterprise need to have a storage layer. Most likely they will use OpenStack Swift. It can start with a simple 4-nodes or 6-nodes setup and scale to bigger size later on. The OpenStack Swift can have either private API access or public API access. Either one is fine. Step 2: Install Gladinet Cloud Enterprise The second step will be install Gladinet Cloud Enterprise, where the Gladinet Cloud Enterprise servers can access the OpenStack Swift via API access.   For more information, please visit the Gladinet OpenStack Swift pag