Build 9.4.5297 (Apr 10, 2018)
What's new in this week's CentreStack Release? Check out the details below...
CentreStack: 9.4.5297.40915 | Widows Client: 9.4.2486.40910 | Mac Client: 9.4.40901
- When you open a file in Microsoft Office Online, allow the user to change spelling/grammer check language
- Support multiple document libraries in SharePoint Online
- Add new Group Policy, 'Do not show Mac Client sync status pop up dialog', under Mac Client Settings, Client Settings. When it is checked, Mac client will not show sync status dialog.
- Enhance API call RenameTenantTeamFolder
- Enhance windows AD SSO
- Enhance Edit Group UI in native Group Manager
- Enhance background Task management to query log and delete task
- When Creation of Guest user is disabled, still allow sharing with Full control to internal users
- Enhance server agent to publish a cloud folder as team folder with CIFS enabled
- When 'Enforce password protection' in group policy, Sharing is checked, make sure windows client share enforces password
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