Build 9.4.5329 (Apr 16, 2018)

What's new in this week's CentreStack Release? Check out the details below...

CentreStack: 9.4.5329.40983  |  Widows Client: 9.4.2498.40977  |  Mac Client: 9.4.40901
  • In Versioned Team Folder settings, added new setting "Automatically delete file that has not been changed more than n days". Once set, files on the folder will be purged automatically, when it is older than the number of days defined.
  • On web-based management console, Attached Folders, can stop the syncing for the attached folder. Once the sync is stopped, changes on local and cloud will not be synced anymore. And the cloud folder remains.
  • Enhance DFS support when user's home is on DFS share
  • Enhance SharePoint settings to be per tenant
  • Enhance windows client 'Open in Web Browser' context menu, to support plus (+) sign in folder name
  • Enhance share UI on small screen
  • Tenant admin can always see "Purge Deleted Items" option
  • Enhance public link UI when the link expires
  • Enhance API call jsonaddteamfolderaclfortenant
  • Enhance syncing file deletion action on source to cloud
  • Enhance auto folder permission sync in server agent migrated share
  • Enhance Endpoint Protection to backup 'My Documents' folder

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