Build 9.4.5343 (Apr 24, 2018)

What's new in this week's CentreStack Release? Check out the details below...

CentreStack: 9.4.5343.41019  |  Widows Client: 9.4.2501.41017  |  Mac Client: 9.4.40901
  • Add action 'Purge_Expired_Share' in audit query action list
  • Prevent tenant from setting customized URL to cluster external URL in tenant branding
  • When using Azure blob as back-end storage for default tenant, enhance new tenant creation to use a new container
  • Enhance purge trash can function
  • Enhance file preview for portrait view
  • When the user who creates private team folder is deleted, allow tenant admin to manage the team folder
  • Enhance 'Shared files/folders' on File Dashboard
  • Support multiple drag&drop uploads on File Dashboard
  • When user changes password, show the error if the new password doesn't meet the password policy
  • Make sure "Create default folder (Documents, Pictures)" in Home Directory, Group Policy is followed when import proxied AD user
  • Enhance drag&drop in windows client, to copy file to DVD Writer
  • Enhance system sync down task when the cloud file no longer exists

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