Build 9.5.5409 (May 22, 2018)

What's new in this week's CentreStack Release? Check out the details below...

CentreStack: 9.5.5409.41172  |  Widows Client: 9.5.2518.41153  |  Mac Client: 9.5.41156
  • Use MySQL as default database
  • From web portal, when download file via Context Menu, create an 'Access File' record in file change log
  • Enhance video preview on web
  • Enhance web UI when configure AD integration
  • Enhance support for S3 compatible storage
  • Rename 'Storage Manager' on Control Panel to 'Sharepoint Online Integration'
  • Enhance adding users in team folder, collaborator tab
  • Enhance public link display when the link expires
  • Make sure windows client management console shows Offline Folder defined
  • In Group Policy, Client Settings Manager, Mac Client Settings, add new setting 'Start Mac Client automatically'. When it is checked, Mac client will auto start when user logs in.
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