What's new in this week's CentreStack Release 10.2.6335.43041 (March 18, 2019)

What's new in this week's CentreStack Release? Check out the details below...

CentreStack10.3.6452.43283 | Windows Client10.3.2717.43279 | Mac Client10.1.42951

  • We've enhanced the Centrestack server performance.
  • The Cluster admin can translate the Offline folder initial download/Outlook plugin installation message. The strings are defined in the resource files for strings_win.aspx.
  • When the file name for the deletion marker is in different cases from the deleted file, make sure deleted file is purged.
  • We've enhanced expire time setup during sharing.
  • When someone shares to a guest user in the portal, there is the ability to mark the guest user in an existing shared email list.
  • When the user shares a folder as 'Read Only (Download will be disabled)', download is disabled when the user accesses the share link.
  • We've enhanced the shared file update notification email, to show the file information correctly.
  • We've enhanced the public link for files to include the file suffix in the link
  • When the user creates a public link for a file, there is a new setting 'Force Download'. When enabled, the link will download the file. When disabled, the link will open the file in the browser.
  • We've enhanced the tenant storage migration.We've improved DARE configuration change during migration.
  • We've enhanced the Forgot Password UI.
  • Support create Direct URL from web portal. The direct URL works like a bookmark. When the user goes to access it and login on the browser, it opens the file/folder directly.
  • We've enhanced file sorting by timestamp on web portal.
  • We've fixed duplicate email issue when a guest user changes their password.
  • We've enhanced the email template 'Notify external user that multiple shared files changed' branding to support Subject branding and variable {FirstName} in the body.
  • We've added the setting 'Do not show Device Backups on File Browser' under Web Portal under Group Policy. It hides Device Backups on a File Browser.
  • We've added the setting 'Load All My Files as the first page', on Web Client, Group Policy. When checked, login web portal will always show 'All My Files' first.
  • We've enhanced the set folder permission API.
  • We've enhanced the Users/Team Folders display on Tenant Dashboard on IE11.
  • 'Disable mount drive (server agent only)' under Client Settings Manager, Group Policy only applies to server agent.
  • Added feature: Prevent the folder from being renamed/deleted when a user opens a file to edit in windows client.
  • We've enhanced syncing consecutive folders moving on the source to the cloud.
  • When a user opens a file in offline mode in windows client, do not keep displaying 'Failed to lock file' warning message.
  • When a user copies a folder within windows client drive, if the folder is already on the target, display a warning.
  • We've enhanced syncing files to the cloud when 'rename file' with case only changes.
  • We've enhanced the windows client to download a file to local when the link attaches share with a local folder.
  • We've fixed linking a folder where a file might be synced as a folder on the cloud.
  • We've enhanced the ability to manage a revision in windows client when a folder name contains a percent sign.

Download the new release here!


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