Gladinet Cloud 4.0 is here. It was a pretty big milestone. Looking back, Gladinet 1.0 has only one single product, the Gladinet Cloud Desktop. Gladinet 3.0 introduced the Gladinet Cloud Backup and Gladinet Cloud AFS, as several different products loosely coupled. Now in version 4.0, these different products are more tightly integrated around the key offering - the Gladinet Cloud service. In version 4.0 Professional Edition, there is a new 2-way sync feature that makes it easy to sync your cloud storage such as Google Docs with your local documents. It also supports Google Docs 2-step authentication too. In version 4.0 Premium Edition, it comes with default Gladinet Cloud Storage. This opens the door for features like web browser portal, iOS app and file sharing features. The cloud backup product in version 3.0 is now aligned with the premium edition. In the 4.0 Team Edition, it has team folder collaboration, active directory integration, file server support and a...