Installable Enterprise Sync & Share Solution

When it comes to cloud storage, many users are familiar with dropbox and box. Many companies wish they had a similar solution that is installable, deployable and under the company’s own control.

For example, there are companies using Amazon GovCloud,  wish to have a file sync & share and team collaboration solution inside GovCloud.

Another example, there are companies that have sensitive client data that is under NDA,  which has to be maintained on-site, without leaving the company premise. They wish to have an internal sharing solution, which is good for the company intranet.

It could also be that some companies need to be HIPPA compliant and have built a HIPPA-compliant storage service. They need a corresponding sync & share solution to work with their own storage.

All these use cases need a self-installable solution that can be deployed at a flexible place, such as on an EC2 machine, connecting to S3 , but inside the GovCloud; or be deployed in a data center that is close to the enterprise data storage; or simply on-premise in the LAN (local area network) environment.  

Gladinet Cloud Enterprise is a solution built for this need. It is an installable and deployable solution that brings browser based file manager, desktop client, file server client and mobile device applications to any enterprise storage services.

Installable Package

Gladinet Cloud Enterprise (GCE) is a Microsoft MSI package.


Access Clients

The GCE package comes with its own access clients, including the web based file manager, desktop client and file server client. The GCE package shares the mobile iOS client and Android client.


Storage Options

In GCE, you can connect to different storage options, such as Amazon S3 (GovCloud) or file server storage, NAS storage in the form of UNC path.


download page for the clients:


Active Directory Option

In GCE, there is an option to have native active directory integration.


For more information, visit

and the product page:

Installable Enterprise Sync & Share Solution


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