Turn OpenStack Swift into an Enterprise File Sync and Share Solution

OpenStack Swift is used more and more in Enterprise. This article covers one of the key use case of OpenStack Swift, by turning it into an Enterprise File Sync and Share (EFSS) solution.

There are three aspects of the EFSS solution that makes it Enterprise ready.

(1) Active Directory Integration, and possibly cover multiple active directories or even multiple forests.

(2) Scripting Interface to provision the service to end users.

(3) Scale the solution up to support hundreds of thousands of users.

In this article, we will cover the PowerShell scripting interface to provision the service to an end user in the Active Directory. At the end, we will show a video demo which covers the process from end to end. 

Background Information

We will use the PowerShell scripting interface to connect the following e100_home OpenStack Swift container to an active directory user e100@tsys.gladinet.com


Below is an Active Directory user e100@tsys.gladinet.com. We will provision the File Sync and Share solution to this user.


PowerShell Interface

First load the PowerShell Module

PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Gladinet Cloud Enterprise> import-module .\GCEAutomation.dll


Now login as administrator

PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Gladinet Cloud Enterprise> $login = Get-GceLogin -UserName joe@gladinet.com -Password dddddddd

PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Gladinet Cloud Enterprise> $login

Cookie                 : sazADpeVtJsYoYxLBeK3C25gRCLYiBtEi083oCZrj2SREoCxfbyz1Ys7D0jH9gguMhNsp/fksWr23lFBVOzveA8UBG
NSEndPoint             : http://localhost/namespace/n.svc/
LSEndPoint             : http://localhost:8080/localstor/n.svc/
RelayServer            :
Hours                  : 4
User                   : user.SingleUser
PortalServer           : http://localhost/portal/
BrandingProductName    : Gladinet Cloud
KeepCmdChannel         : False
SupportSetLastModified : True
WCVersion              :
ForceVersioned         : False
Success                : True
Reason                 :
Context                :
Context1               :


Now prepare the storage configuration from OpenStack Swift. In this example, KeyStone interface is used.

PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Gladinet Cloud Enterprise> $config = Get-GceOpenStackStoragekeyStoneConfig -AccessPoint -Container e100_home -DataAtRest $False -MountName e100_home -SecretKey admin123 -UserName admin -IsPrimary $True -IsTenantId $False


Now import the Active Directory user using the UPN (User Principal Name)

PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Gladinet Cloud Enterprise> $user = Add-GceAdUserByUPNEx -EnableOffline $False -ForceVersioned $True -LoginToken $login.Cookie -StorageConfigure $config -StoragePlan 50 -UserUPN e100@tsys.gladinet.com

PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Gladinet Cloud Enterprise> $user

Guid         : 4864f544-fa72-4755-bc23-724817e8a2d0
LapseSeconds : 0
Success      : True
Reason       :
Context      :
Context1     :


Now optionally, create a default folder for the user.

PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Gladinet Cloud Enterprise> $result = Add-GceVersionFolderForUser -FolderName my_home_dir -LoginToken $login.Cookie -UserGuid $user.Guid

PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Gladinet Cloud Enterprise> $result

                     Success Reason                       Context                      Context1                   
                     ------- ------                       -------                      --------                   


PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Gladinet Cloud Enterprise>

End Result


And here is a full video demonstrates the whole process.



For more information, please visit Gladinet OpenStack Swift Enterprise File Sync and Share Solution Page!


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