Map Mezeo Cloud Storage as a Network Drive


First you need to have a Mezeo account and the address of the access point. The user name typically is your email address. The access point normally is in the form of, which you can get when you sign up for a mezeo account.
Second you will need to install Gladinet Cloud Desktop from the download page. (Support for Mezeo will be introduced in version 2.1 which will be available April, 2010)
Launch Gladinet Cloud Desktop
Click to Mount
Use the click-to-mount icon in your Gladinet Drive to mount Mezeo Cloud Storage. Map_Amazon_S3/2010-01-31_1432.png
When the mount virtual directory dialog appears, select Mezeo Personal Cloud.
Use your Mezeo Server address/credential
Use Mezeo Cloud Storage From Windows Explorer Directly
Now you can use the Mezeo Cloud Storage as if it were a Virtual Drive or Folder. Simply drag and drop to backup local documents to the FTP storage.


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