Gladinet Add Support for KT ucloud storage

Gladinet supported Amazon S3 with a suite of cloud storage access products since 2006, when we first saw cloud storage service from US. Gladinet supported Dunkel/Scality since 2009, when we first saw cloud storage service from Europe.
Now Gladinet supports Korean Telecom ucloud storage, the second cloud storage service from Asia (after Amazon S3 Singapore Region).
This is also the third OpenStack (swift) based cloud storage service that Gladinet supports, after Rackspace Cloud Files (US/UK) and Internap XIPCloud.
With the Gladinet Cloud Desktop, Gladinet CloudAFS and Gladinet Cloud Backup, you will see a new option for KT ucloud storage in the drop down when you are mounting cloud storage service.
In the next screen, you will fill in your user name and credentials.
After that, the KT ucloud storage will be mounted as a folder inside the Gladinet Drive.

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