Check-out, Check-in, and File-Locking in the Cloud

To continue our last discussion of Team Collaboration in the Cloud, this article discuss the check-out, check-in and file locking.

With the Gladinet Cloud client, team users get a drive letter on the desktop, representing the files and folders in the cloud. Team users can double click on a file to initiate editing of the documentation.

If the editing happens in a team folder, there is a possibility of users opening and editing documents in a conflicting way. In this scenario, it will be good to be able to check out the file, make the modification and then check-in the file. During check-out and check-in, the file will be locked for editing.

As shown below, when you right click on a file inside a team folder, you will see the menu to check out the file.

Check Out



After you clicked the check out menu, a dialog will show to remind you of the locking effect.


After that, you can open the file and edit and save.

Auto Reminder to Check In

Shortly after you close the editing application, in this case, Microsoft Word, another dialog will pop-up, prompting you to save the file back to the cloud and also unlock it.


Click Yes to continue. Now you just checked-out a file and checked-in a new version inside the team folder. During the modification, the file is locked so you are the only one who can update the file.

Next Step

Go to and sign up for a team edition account to check it out.


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