Active Directory Multiple Email Addresses Support

Gladinet Cloud Enterprise is a File Sync and Share solution. In big enterprise, people usually have multiple email addresses. There could be one main one and multiple email alias.

Sometimes the email address survives merger and acquisition. For example, it is a pretty common practice in the bank industry that people have email addresses from the previous bank and the email address from the current parent bank.

Sometimes the email address survives company split. The company may be splitting into two different companies and the same person may have two email addresses, one with the company before the split and one with the company after the split.

Whatever the reason is, supporting multiple email addresses for file sync and share is important.  Exchange server has been supporting multiple email alias for a long time. Email received at different email alias will be consolidated into one single email inbox.

Supporting multiple email addresses in file sync and share solution is also important. People may share files and folders with multiple email alias, and the end result shall all land into the same “FIle Shared With Me” folder regardless of the different email alias.

This video documents the multiple email address support for active directory user.


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