What's new in this week's CentreStack Release 10.2.6335.43041 (February 25th, 2019)

What's new in this week's CentreStack Release? Check out the details below...

CentreStack10.2.6335.43041 | Windows Client10.2.2696.43036 | Mac Client10.1.42951

  • Do not purge folder when there is a deletion marker for a file with the same name as the folder
  • Enhancements creating new team folder from existing folders
  • Keep file timestamp when move file within windows client drive
  • Enhance deleting shared objects when edit user
  • Enhance Gladinet Cloud Monitor on file change monitoring in direct attached share
  • Enhance two step verification configuration UI
  • Enhance folder sharing when folder name contains ampersand
  • Enhance copy/move folder when folder contains empty file
  • Enhance server agent to keep connected with the cloud

Download the new release here!


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