Active Directory User Management for External Users

Simplify External Access to Internal Shares without Active Directory Management Headaches

(Bonus: You won’t need a VPN or the cloud!)

Tired of Creating and Deleting AD Users for External Access? 
Active Directory user management for external users can create significant headaches when there is a dynamic remote workforce that requires frequent changes.

Imagine that you’re manufacturing a product that uses parts from multiple suppliers. You have all your design documents on internal file shares but your suppliers need access. Typically, this might be done over a VPN which requires that these external users authenticate to your domain. So now you’ll have to create new users for the contracted suppliers and get rid of them when they’re done.

Is the Approval Process Cumbersome?
That process can become cumbersome if, for example, your suppliers are constantly changing over time for different projects or they have large numbers of employees who need access. And what happens if you don’t have a lightweight process to approve new users in your Active Directory?

Stop sharing the same credentials for multiple external users to avoid these Issues!
Issues like these often result in the use of shared credentials for external access. But this can lead to security issues. How do you track who made changes to your files? How do you control who has access to which files? And what are these strange new IP addresses doing accessing your corporate network! You were expecting IPs from Japan, not Russia!

And so the clear challenges of providing external access to internal shares include:
  • Active Directory user management for external users
  • Security issues resulting from the use of shared credentials
How does CentreStack solve these issues without sacrificing security or control?
As a file server mobilization platform that is focused on file server compatibility, CentreStack simplifies the creation of external users or guest users while maintaining the typical file server controls. The secure file-sharing platform goes further to provide the added benefits of security features like auditing, reporting, and ransomware protection.

This makes it much easier to secure external access to internal documents. If you want to collaborate with partners, distributors, suppliers, or vendors, you can provide remote access to corporate files and define how they will be accessed by users from external organizations. You’ll also be able to track any changes that they are making, increase the security of your corporate network and increase overall productivity.

What’s the bottom line?
Essentially, CentreStack creates a corporate DMZ for domain-based access and collaboration that remains private, secure, and controlled, but flexible enough to easily handle the access and collaboration needs of a highly dynamic external workforce without the usual headaches associated with doing it through a VPN with Active Directory.


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