Use PowerShell to Manage OpenStack Swift Containers in Gladinet Cloud Enterprise

Gladinet Cloud Enterprise is a self-hosted file sync and share solution. It works well on top of OpenStack Swift as the private cloud storage. When Gladinet Cloud Enterprise and OpenStack Swift combined together, it is a very good private file sync and share solution.

When it comes to OpenStack Swift as the storage and serving end users, questions arise about how to map an OpenStack Swift container to an end user, or map multiple OpenStack Swift containers to an end user. This article demonstrates using PowerShell to achieve the mapping.

PowerShell Module

Gladinet Cloud Enterprise ships with a PowerShell module. It is the GCEAutomation.dll in the installation folder. You can copy the DLL to a Windows machine where you will be issuing the PowerShell command. The Windows machine will need to have full .NET framework and also at least PowerShell 3.0 installed (PowerShell 3.0 is part of the Windows Management Framework 3.0)

To Start, you will need a PowerShell command or the PowerShell ISE. If you are new to PowerShell, we recommend you start with PowerShell ISE since it comes with the panel of help.



PowerShell Commands – Get Started

Use import-module to import the PowerShell module

Import-Module .\GCEAutomation.dll

Command #2 – Login

$login = Get-GceLogin dddddddd

Command #3 – Add Remove Containers

Remove-GceUserStorage -LoginToken $login.Cookie -Name mytest1_container -ServerUrl

$result = Get-GceOpenStackStoragekeyStoneConfig -AccessPoint -Container mytest1 -DataAtRest $False -MountName mytest1_container -SecretKey admin123 -UserName admin -IsPrimary $False -IsTenantId $False

$result1 = Add-GceUserStorage -LoginToken $login.Cookie -Name mytest1_container -Value $result -ServerUrl

Command #4 – List the Top Level Directory

Now you can use directory listing of the top level folder to verify the mounted OpenStack Swift containers

$dir = Get-GceDir -LoginToken $login.Cookie -ServerUrl -Path ""


For more details, check the service provider pages on


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