OpenStack Connectors from Windows Platforms

Rackspace-led OpenStack open source cloud computing initiative hits its six-month milestone when the Internap XIPCloud launched last month, leveraging the open source cloud. 

It is an interesting development as we have seen open source projects like Apache taking on Windows IIS and Linux taking on Windows in the past.

At this stage of the cloud storage development, it feels like it is everyone-else taking on Amazon S3. For companies like Internap, it speeds up delivery of cloud storage to the market. For Rackspace, it gains a partner to fight against Amazon and a competitor too to share the OpenStack customers at the same time.

The successful implementation of OpenStack at Internap would certainly encourage more OpenStack implementations to follow.

One of the problems that OpenStack implementers facing is finding beta customers to try the OpenStack implementation with some kind of applications and some kind of tasks. You would need some kind of connectors to connect existing application to OpenStack so you can try it out.

This article talks about using Gladinet as OpenStack connectors to try for beta testing and for public commercial use too.

The whole Gladinet suite of access products supports OpenStack and its derived family of cloud storage services such as Rackspace Cloud Files and Internap XIPCloud.

(1) Desktop Connector

When you are implementing OpenStack, you may need a quick and easy way to stress the implementation by sending huge amount of real data to it with a simple tool. You can use Gladinet Cloud Desktop to map a network drive and drag and drop a big folder from your local PC to your OpenStack account.

The drag and drop of big folder (such as c:\windows) into a cloud storage account will test a constant up stream upload to your OpenStack implementation.


(2) Backup Use Case

You may have beta customers that want to backup their SQL Servers to the cloud. You can use Gladinet Cloud Backup to do so.  In the Cloud Backup, you will need to attach your OpenStack account first. Gladinet has Rackspace, OpenStack and Internap XIPCloud entries in it. You can pick OpenStack for now to set it up and inform Gladinet to add an entry to point to your cloud storage access point.


(3) Multiple User, Group Access Use Case

You may want to have your OpenStack account attached to a file server and allow multiple people to access it through file server. This provides a different usage pattern. You can use Gladinet CloudAFS for this case.

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