Fronting OpenStack Swift with Universal Access
More and more service providers are running POC (Proof of Concept) on OpenStack Swift nowadays. They are looking for ways to extend their service portfolio to include file sync, sharing and collaboration solutions.
OpenStack Swift in a nut shell solves these problems: How to scale up object storage cheaply and quickly. How to make object storage reliable with built-in redundancy and How to provide the service through API (Application Programming Interface) to developers so developers can write more applications on top.
To use an analogy, OpenStack Swift is like a hard drive that never runs out of capacity and never crash, but will never be an end-user facing product in its own. OpenStack swift requires developers to add additional values before it is usable to end user (Similar to hard drive needs to be put into a PC and presented by an operating system before an end user can use).
Gladinet Cloud Enterprise is one such application that adds value to OpenStack Swift. As shown in the picture below. OpenStack Swift in the center provides storage with raw READ/WRITE/DELETE/META interfaces. The Gladinet Cloud Enterprise provides Backup, Access, Sync and Share, Identity Management and Collaboration values around it.
How to Deploy Gladinet Cloud Enterprise
Usually, Gladinet Cloud Enterprise is deployed in the same data center where the OpenStack Swift is deployed. In the diagram below, OpenStack swift is hidden behind the Gladinet Cloud Enterprise. The Gladinet Cloud Enterprise is facing directly with end user devices, such as web browser, PC and Mac and mobile devices.
Next Step
Visit Gladinet Cloud Enterprise page for more information.