Hybrid Cloud Storage Solution

When people talks about hybrid cloud storage solution, it typically means they want to keep using the existing file server. At the same time, they also want to replicate the file server data into cloud storage and make it available to the remote users.

Basically, the local employees will keep using the local file server. The remote users will be using the cloud storage. The local file server and cloud storage will be in sync. If the file is changed locally, it is uploaded also to the cloud storage so remote user can use. If remote user changes the file, the change will also propagate back to the local file server.

It serves many purposes. First the local file server and the cloud storage are like a backup system, backing up each other. Second, it is a VPN-replacement system, enabling remote users to access files without VPN. Third, it is an access system, it enables mobile users with iOS/Android and Windows Phone devices to access the files and folders.

Backup Backup local files to online cloud storage
VPN Replacement Remote user access files and folders directly from online cloud storage
Mobile Access All users can access files and folders from many device form factors, including iOS/Android/Windows-Phone

Hybrid Cloud Storage Solution

What you need is the Gladinet Cloud and the Gladinet Cloud File Server Agent (Cloud Server). Gladinet Cloud provides the access infrastructure and the File Server Agent provides the connectivity between the Gladinet Cloud and the on-premise file server.

How to Set it Up?

You can go to the www.gladinet.com home page and sign up for a Gladinet Cloud Team Edition account. After the sign up, you will be at the web portal. At the top of the web portal, there is a download button for you to download the Cloud Server (File Server Agent) software.

After you install the File Server Agent software, you can use the Gladinet Management Console to “Attach Local Folder” to Gladinet Cloud. Once the folder is attached to the cloud, it is part of the hybrid cloud storage namespace, you can access it from any where on the Internet with your account authentication.

You can also set up team folder permissions and version control retention policies after.

Next Step

Go to http://www.gladinet.com/CloudServer/ for more information or go to www.gladinet.com to sign up for a Gladinet Cloud account.


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