Build 9.3.5204 (Mar 12, 2018)

What's new in this week's CentreStack Release? Check out the details below...

CentreStack: 9.3.5204.40705  |  Widows Client: 9.3.2461.40690
  • In Role Policy, add new policy 'Disable Mobile Client'. When the policy is checked, any user assigned to the policy cannot login App in mobile devices.
  • When share a file/folder and enable 'Notify User' flag, do not send the notification to the user who made the change.
  • Enhance Dashboard on web based management console.
  • Fix a crash in Gladinet Cloud Monitoring service on Centrestack worker node
  • When edit user, can list/assign Roles in Roles tab.
  • Enhance web portal when edit share and show the existing users shared with
  • When admin resets user's password, can let system generate a new random password
  • Prevent user from sharing folder under 'Files shared with me' in Icon view
  • In System Diagnostic Report, add checking for Email service.
  • Support Backup Access Point in windows client. On worker node/root/web.config, admin can add setting "<add key="BackupAccessPointA" value="https://xxxx" />". When windows client re-starts, if it can't access the access point typed in in login window, it will try to connect to the backup access point.
  • Enhance the windows client login window when enable Azure AD integration
  • Fix an issue where desktop shortcut to folders in windows client drive disappears
  • Enhance long path support in CIFS share published by server agent

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