Cloud Desktop, WoW!

It is beta 1 software, the quality is not yet release level. Yet the download requests just keep on coming in. In 3 days, over 4500 copies were downloaded.

The idea of a "Cloud Desktop" is so well received by the tech community. Everybody gets it. From the users' feedback, it feels like many were waiting for this to happen for so long. When the Cloud meets the Desktop, when the cloud meets the ground, a new horizon appears (credit Dan for this tag line during our lunch). Cloud Computing is no longer some behind the scene thing. It can now be on anyone's desktop and it can be everyone's daily user experience.

Compared to the existing art, the cloud services touch the web server level, then the web server converts it into HTML presentation in the browser, then the browser to you. For some cloud services, especially online storages, going into OS makes much more sense.

I guess the excitement is going to keep on for a while. Then the issues and enhancement requests will pile up. Let's fix those issues and come up with Beta 2.


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