Cloud Storage Strategy Series II–Content Delivery

Cloud Storage has many benefits, one of them being Content Delivery. By nature, objects inside cloud storage have URLs. With URLs, it is easy to integrate these objects with Content Delivery Network and deliver the objects to edge locations around the world.

We kicked start the Cloud Storage Strategy Series of articles last week covering the disaster recovery. This article will discuss another cloud storage use case about content delivery.

The big 3 in the cloud storage services could be Amazon S3, Rackspace CloudFiles and Windows Azure Storage. They all support integration with Content Delivery.  Below are sample lists of Amazon CloudFront and Azure CDN edge locations. Rackspace partners with Limelight Network, which has many edge locations too.

Amazon CloudFront Windows Azure
United States  
Ashburn, VA Ashburn, VA

Dallas/Fort Worth, TX

San Antonio, TX

Miami, FL

Miami, FL

New York, NY

Newark, NJ Newark, NJ
Palo Alto, CA Bay Area

Seattle, WA

Seattle, WA

St. Louis, MO

Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA

The biggest benefit of Cloud Storage Content Delivery is simplicity and low cost to start with.

Content Delivery Network market was typically segmented into Enterprise and SMB markets. Akamai and LimeLight Networks serve the big enterprise market. CacheFly serves the SMB market. Now with cloud storage, personal bloggers can use Content Delivery for their WordPress sites to reach edge locations around the world.

In the upcoming version 2.4 of Gladinet Cloud Access Suite, including Gladinet Cloud Desktop, CloudAFS and Cloud Backup, there will be tighter integrations with the Content Delivery. For example, you can publish Amazon S3 buckets with public access and create Rackspace Containers with CDN integration.

Related Post:

    Cloud Storage Strategy Series I – Disaster Recovery

    Cloud Storage Strategy How-Tos


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