Intel Hybrid Cloud and Cloud Storage

Nowadays, every computing technology has a cloud label and a cloud twist.

Last week, we attended an Intel Hybrid Cloud road show and saw an interesting twist of the local computing with a cloud management – the Intel Hybrid Cloud.


First of all, Intel Hybrid Cloud is a physical server that is going to be placed on-premise at the customer side. Inside the physical server, there could be multiple virtual machines.

The cloud twist comes from the management services placed on the server and the virtual machines. With these management services, it allows you to manage the server box remotely from Intel web site with metering features for the licenses and other stuff.

There are other cloud twists you can add to the Intel Hybrid Cloud, for example, adding Cloud Storage. With Gladinet’s Cloud Storage Access Suite, it is pretty easy to attach cloud storage solutions to the virtual machines. For example, on the Windows 2008 server VM, you can install Gladinet CloudAFS so it turns the 2008 box into a cloud storage attached file server. You can also install Gladinet Cloud Backup to the Windows Small Business Server so it can do cloud storage based backup of the server.

The Intel Hybrid Server is an interesting concept of applying management capabilities over the cloud. It doesn’t stop you from adding other cloud capabilities to it. With Gladinet, you can add cloud storage capabilities to it however you want to, with hybrid storage (partial cloud and partial local).

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