Build 9.3.5253 (Mar 26, 2018)

What's new in this week's CentreStack Release? Check out the details below... CentreStack : 9.3.5253.40835 | Widows Client : 9.3.2474.40835 Support uploading file larger than 1500M when request a file This is a new enhancement that makes uploading a large file via web browser more fail-safe so you can upload much larger files than before. Enhance web UI to better support small screen We tested small screen (1024x768) for the management web browser interface, in the past we assumed that the management web user interface required a larger screen but now we have reduced the requirement so admins can manage from smaller resolution laptops. Enhance UI when create new file on web portal Add new policy to disable offline access in Role. Users in the role cannot enable offline access. When 'Lock file natively on network shares' in enabled, make sure the native lock in direct migrated folder/share holds when the file remains open in windows client Su...