What's new in this week's CentreStack Release (April 8, 2019)?

                   What's new in this week's CentreStack Release? Check out the details below...

CentreStack10.3.6500.43404 Windows Client10.3.2727.43357 | Mac Client10.1.42951

  • When editing a file via Microsoft Office Online on the web portal, you may open the document in a new tab.
  • When deleting a folder on the web portal, if the folder has been published as a team folder, prompt admin to un-publish the team folder and delete it.
  • Enhanced Gladinet Cloud Monitoring service to load branding settings when sending out notification emails.
  • Enhanced publish tenant home storage as a team folder, where the whole storage owned by tenant admin is published as a team folder.
  • Move Refresh/Show Deleted/Purge Deleted from top menu to context menu.
  • Add Info button on top, to open right panel.
  • Public link follows the branded color schema.
  • Enhanced the windows client on folder listing.
  • We now allow the windows client to access an attached network share in offline mode.


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