Desktop Connection for Google Docs Business Users

Google Apps is getting popular. With email, documents and many other services integrated together, it gives Small and Medium sized business (SMB) an excellent cloud infrastructure to run business.

This article discuss desktop connectivity for Google Docs business users. For SMBs, typically the first step is moving existing documents into Google Docs for backup. And the second step is to backup Google Docs to local hard drive for business continuity.  This way the main focus of the IT infrastructure is moved to Google Apps and leverage local resources for backup purpose. Gladinet Cloud Desktop is the solution to satisfy both needs.


Use Case 1 – Backup Local Documents to Google Docs

For the users that just started to use Google Docs, this is a logical first step. At this stage, the local resources are still the focus of the infrastructure. Over time, the local resources are continuously backed up to Google Docs, making it easier to shift focus to Google Docs as the document infrastructure.

It is easy to setup mirrored backup from Gladinet Cloud Desktop to Google Docs. After you have Google Docs mounted as a virtual folder in Windows Explorer, you can use the backup wizard.


Use Case 2 – Access Google Docs with a Drive Letter

The second use case is to map Google Docs into Windows Explorer as a virtual drive and a virtual folder. This way, you can do drag and drop access to Google Docs.


Use Case 3 – Backup Google Docs to Local Drive

This typically when customers are all set with Google Docs and use it as the primary document infrastructure. On one hand, it is good to move document management into the cloud to save operating cost. On the other hand, it raises concern about business continuity in case the connection to the cloud is down.  Having  a local backup solves the problem.

Backup Google Docs to local hard drive is a kind of mirror backup. You can find it inside Management Console –> Backup & Restore –>Mirror Backup –> Google Docs Backup Button.


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