OpenStack Based Cloud Backup Solution

OpenStackLogoBefore cloud storage, it is not easy for service providers to provide an online backup solution. There were several technology barriers. First it is not easy to maintain a cheap storage solution in the service providers’ data center. Second, it is not easy to develop a protocol to talk between customer’s PC and the storage in the service provider’s data center. Third, it is not easy to develop a backup agent software that runs on the customers’ PC.  That is why most of them choose to OEM or resell solutions from Carbonite,  Mozy or Amazon S3 based backup solution if the customers want online backup from the service provider.
With the progress of the cloud storage technology in recent years, the landscape is changing. First, OpenStack storage is a mature cloud storage solution that allows the service providers to create a scalable storage solution based on cheap commodity hardware and also based on open source software. Second, OpenStack protocol is compatible with Rackspace Cloud Files protocol so it is battle tested too. Third,  with OpenStack’s open platform and well documented API, it is fairly easy to find a backup agent software that supports OpenStack storage.
This article discuss Gladinet Cloud Backup’s capability with OpenStack Storage. Gladinet supports several OpenStack based cloud storage services, such as Rackspace Cloud Files (US/UK), Internap XIPCloud, Korean Telecom uCloud. More important, Gladinet supports free-form OpenStack based access endpoint. This means as long as you have an OpenStack access point, you can use Gladinet Cloud Backup for online backup purpose, with your OpenStack based cloud storage solution.

Install Cloud Backup

During the initial setup wizard, it will ask about Cloud Backup Destination. Now you can mount your OpenStack based storage here.
If your OpenStack storage support has been integrated to Gladinet Cloud Backup, you can see it in the drop down list. For example, you will see Rackspace Cloud Files, Rackspace Cloud Files UK, Internap XIPCloud, Korean Telecom uCloud.
If not, you can use the generic free-form one to type in your OpenStack Auth Access Point, together with your account information.

Start Backing up to OpenStack Storage

After you have setup and mounted your OpenStack Storage account in Gladinet Cloud Backup, the Management Console will show up.
Mirrored Backup
   This is a simple backup mode. You can select a set of local folders and these folders will be mirrored to OpenStack storage account.
Snapshot Backup
   This is an advanced mode of backup. It is capable of creating snapshots on a daily basis and allow you to revert to a particular snapshot.

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