Cloud Storage Integration Made Easy
Last week, Nuance released OmniPage 18, with a new Nuance Cloud Connector feature that allows OmniPage documents to be saved to a wide list of cloud storage services such as Amazon S3, Windows Azure, Rackspace Cloud Files, Google Docs, and etc.
Powered by the Gladinet Cloud Desktop, the Nuance Cloud Connector quickly turns OmniPage, a desktop optical character recognition (OCR) application into a cloud storage connected application.
The above is a picture of the Nuance Cloud Connector button interface inside OmniPage 18. Upon clicking on the button, you will see a welcome page asking you to mount cloud storage services.
Click on the Add New Cloud Storage Account link, you will see the Gladinet Cloud Desktop’s virtual directory mounting dialog wizard.
You will also see Start Menu entry of Nuance Cloud Connector.
Clicking on the Nuance Cloud Connector menu, you will see the Management Console.
You can see all the interface has the Nuance Cloud Connector logo. You can check it out with the OmniPage Start Page too.
All the above steps show seamless integration between OmniPage, a partner application and Gladinet Cloud Desktop, a cloud storage connector application.
Cloud Storage Integration
Gladinet’s core value is to allow partners to quickly enter a fast growing cloud storage market, by providing a suite of cloud storage access solutions.
The Gladinet Cloud Storage Access Solution solves these common cloud storage access problems:
- There are so many different cloud storage services. How to support all of them?
- How to transfer files and folders up and down, with speed, reliability and with efficiency?
- How to transfer files securely, with encryption?
- How to support basic cloud storage use cases: Backup, Access, Sync, Integration and Connectivity?
- How to support it from desktop PCs and File Servers?
These core value of the Gladinet Cloud Storage Access Solution, together with the help of Gladinet consulting, will empower partners to quickly cloud-enable their existing applications and turn their applications into cloud-friendly applications.
Cloud storage integration shall be very easy and straight forward for our partners, with Gladinet already done the hard work on the cloud storage connectors.