The New Gladinet Cloud–Explained

gcloudGladinet has been providing Cloud Storage Access Solutions for over 3 years now. In the past, we saw Gladinet Cloud Desktop, Gladinet CloudAFS server, Gladinet Cloud Backup and Gladinet Cloud Space hit the market at different times.

Existing Products

Each of the Gladinet products serves a different use case. For example, Gladinet Cloud Desktop serves the use case from user’s desktop PC to connect cloud storage services from Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Rackspace or EMC to their desktop PC or laptops.

Gladinet CloudAFS serves the use case that companies may want to attach cloud storage services to their file servers.

Gladinet Cloud Backup serves the backup purpose, such as taking snapshots of SQL Servers or folders.

Gladinet Cloud Space serve the use case of using iPad to remote visit files sitting on a Windows PC.

As you noticed from these previous generation of products, they all integrate Cloud Storage Services at the client side. In the Cloud Desktop case, the cloud storage is integrated directly from desktop. In the Cloud Server case, the cloud storage is integrated from server file system. Since the integration point is directly at the client devices such as the desktop or file server, it has to conform to the least common sub-set of cloud storage interfaces, such as read file, write file, read directories and etc.

These products are also loosely coupled, instead of strongly connected. For example, you can have Gladinet Cloud Desktop and Gladinet Cloud Server work together by pointing to the same Amazon S3 account. However, you can’t do file synchronization between the two yet.


New Gladinet Cloud Service

iStock_000011386769XSmallAll these products are looking for a strong thread to bind them together, which is the new Gladinet Cloud.  It is like a spine connecting and directing the limbs.

The integration point can be moved from the client side to the Gladinet service side.  Gladinet Cloud Service can provide value-add services on top of the cloud storage services such as providing quota service, sync service, instant migration service and team service.

This greatly simplified the client side functionality and provided better usability. For example, Gladinet Cloud comes with a web based file explorer, in addition to the native clients. Gladinet Cloud comes with PC-2-Web 2 way sync, as compared to PC-2-PC sync before. Now you can copy files and folders to the root of the My Gladinet Drive. The improvements goes on and on.

Here is a slide explaining the new Gladinet Cloud service.


The backend by default is provided by Amazon web services. In the upcoming release, Gladinet Cloud will allow users to plug in their existing OpenStack accounts and Google Cloud Storage accounts.

Resources about the new Gladinet Cloud

YouTube HD Demo – Gladinet Cloud for Teams

YouTube HD Demo – Gladinet Cloud Server

YouTube HD Demo – Gladinet Cloud Desktop (Team Edition) Quick Start Guide

YouTube HD Demo – Introducing Gladinet Cloud for Teams


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