Share Files with Gladinet Cloud

iStock_000012965524XSmallWe will start a 3-part mini video demo series about the Gladinet Cloud and the 3 typical use cases it will serve.
In this series, we discuss sharing files among a small team. User Todd is a real estate business owner. He has arranged client files into client-per-folder under a root folder such as ‘Client Files’ on his desktop. He will need to share that with his partner in business, Mary.
We saw this use case repeated in the law business. Gary is a law business owner. He has arranged client files into several categories in his PC, such as “Category A”, “Category B”, “Category C”. All these folders are on the desktop.  He needs to share these 3 big folders on his desktop with his partner in the business, John.
This following video describes how you can use Gladinet Cloud to instantly share multiple desktop folders with Co-workers, thus your team.  The video is in YouTube 1280x720 HD format so it is best to view with the 720p option and Full Screen.

There are basically two steps to share files with co-workers.

Step 1 – Attach Local Folder to the Cloud

After a local folder is attached to the cloud, it is instantly available to you in the cloud, when you can visit the folder from a web browser.
This article went over the details of attaching local folder to the Cloud.

Step 2 – Publish the Folder to Team Members

You can do this step from the web browser, after you login to
The basic concept is that you can publish any folders that you can visit inside your Gladinet Cloud to any of your team members with read and write permissions.
This article has detailed information about how to publish folder to team.
That is it!
Sign up for Gladinet Cloud at Gladinet Web Site.

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