What can Gladinet Cloud do for You?

This morning Gladinet Cloud for Teams 1.0 was released. (as compared to Beta release 6 weeks ago).

Why Do You Need Gladinet Cloud for Teams?

Out of the box, Gladinet Cloud was designed to handle the following use cases. If you find a fit for the following use cases, Gladinet Cloud is for you.
iStock_000017151952XSmallUse Case 1 – Share Your Local Folder through the Cloud
You have several folders on your desktop, with your PC or Laptop. You want to instantly share the folder with your team members. On one hand, the folders will show up inside Gladinet Cloud web browser for your own access. On the other hand, you can publish these folders to your team members for shared access.  Both you and your team member can use Gladinet Cloud Desktop client to access the shared folder through a drive letter in your Windows Explorer.
Visit Attach Local Folder to the Cloud for step by step instruction

clouddriveUse Case 2 – Instant, Secure, Anywhere Access with a Cloud Drive
You want to move some of your folders to the cloud for easier access from multiple locations with a browser or native client. With the native desktop client,  Gladinet Cloud Desktop, you can quickly push big folders from your local PC to the cloud by a simple drag and drop to the Gladinet Cloud Drive inside your Windows Explorer. Once the file reaches the cloud, you can access it with a web browser. You can also access it from a different PC that has Gladinet Desktop client installed.  So now you have a private home drive in the cloud. And you can share files with your team from this cloud drive.

Transfer of documents.Use Case 3 – Backup Your Local Folder to the Cloud
You have some important folders on your desktop or server that you want to backup to the cloud. You want Gladinet software to continuously monitor these folders and backup changes to the cloud. Occasionally you will check on the web browser portal to see the contents there in the cloud. In the case of you replace your PC or file server, you can quickly restore the files to your new machine.

What Else is New?

As the default, Gladinet Cloud will provision cloud storage for you based from Amazon S3.
With the new release, you can now plug in your own cloud storage account from Google Cloud Storage, Rackspace Cloud Files, any OpenStack based cloud storage account ad also your own Amazon S3 account if you like to.

Visit Gladinet Cloud for Teams page and sign up for a free trial!


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