Different Kind of Folders on Gladinet Cloud

When you log into Gladinet Cloud web portal, you will see your files and folders immediately, in a Windows Explorer-like interface. Once you tried all the Gladinet Cloud features, you may find different folder icons such a  list of icons below. You may be wondering what kind of folders each icon represent and what kind of features are available for each.

Not All Folders Are Created Equal

If it is a brand new Gladinet Cloud account, you will first see two different folder icons.
The first icon, the plain vanilla folder icon(folder1 ) represents normal cloud storage folders. It is the most basic type of folders and the most used ones.
The second icon(folder6), with a green download arrow overlay,  it is the root folder for all the folders and files shared to you, by other Gladinet Cloud users. The other Gladinet Cloud users can right click their files and folders and do ‘share with …’. The shared files and folders will appear under this folder icon.

Folders Coming from PC and Sync Back to PC

There is a folder icon with a PC icon overlay, indicating the folder is coming from a desktop or from a file server. You will first install Gladinet software locally, then use a feature called “Attach Local Folder” to attach a local folder to your Gladinet Cloud. Attached Local Folder is different from a simple drag and drop to the Gladinet Cloud. If you just do a drag and drop to Gladinet Cloud, the local folder will be uploaded to Gladinet Cloud and become a normal folder in the cloud(folder1 ).
However, if you attach a local folder to the cloud, the folder’s content is migrating to the cloud. Better yet, all the modifications are coming back to your local PC. Thus, it is a two-way sync folder, using a PC overlay (folder2) indicating it is a folder coming from local PC, attached to your Gladinet Cloud.

Team Folder with Version Control

There is a folder icon with a clock overlay, meaning you can rewind the clock to older version.  Version folder is more expensive in that it keeps previous versions. When you create a Team Folder from the web portal, the team folder will have this icon, meaning the changes in the team folder will be versioned.

External Cloud Unified

Nowadays, there are many cloud storage services, counting Amazon S3, Rackspace Cloud Files, Windows Azure and more. Sometimes, you hope to have a unified interface to access them all, this is where you will see the folder icon with a cloud overlay. From the Gladinet Cloud, if you attach your external cloud services such as Amazon S3, you can access your Amazon S3 bucket directly from Gladinet Cloud and leverage all the value-add Gladinet Cloud has.
If you haven’t seen Gladinet Cloud in action, go to www.gladinet.com and sign up for the Premium or Team Edition.

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