Easy Desktop Access to Amazon S3 Bucket

When people trying to understand the buckets the first time, they think of them as top level folders. It is kind of right. You have your Amazon S3 account and the first level of objects you see are these top level containers – buckets.

As Amazon S3 grows in popularity, we need to to take a closer look to the buckets and understand the functionality beyond the top level “folders”.

Bucket name is part of the DNS domain name such as bucket.amazonaws.com. It has to be unique across all S3 buckets. It also resolves to the server that is hosting the bucket. For this reason, we recommend you create bucket names according to the DNS convention, such as person.department.companyname. For example, a bucket name dev.gladinet will become dev.gladinet.amazonaws.com as the DNS name, which can uniquely identify a development team shared bucket for gladinet.

For this reason, the Amazon S3 support in the new Gladinet Cloud Desktop has been changed to bucket level support. You can mount an S3 bucket into Windows Explorer as a mapped drive, for easy desktop access and backup purpose.

First you will use the Mount Virtual Directory wizard to pick from one of the region that is best for you.


Next step is to fill in the Amazon S3 keys and the bucket name.


If you forgot what the bucket name is, you can use the aws console.


Now your Amazon S3 Bucket is showing up in Windows Explorer, inside a mapped network drive.


Later you can also setting up a sync folder to sync from a local folder to amazon S3. Anyway, it is fairly easy to access S3 with the bucket mounted as network folders.


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