Gladinet Cloud Backup Explained


Gladinet Cloud Backup is a Windows Based product and service. If you have x64 based system, you will need the 64-bit package. Otherwise you need the 32-bit package. The supported OS range from Windows XP/Vista/7 to Windows Server OS including 2003 and 2008.



The installation is quick and easy.


The program has two big pieces of components:

  1. a Windows Service that runs in the background, carrying out the work.
  2. a front end Management UI to control the backend service.

A common theme across different Gladinet product is that you can mount different cloud storage services. This is no exception for Gladinet Cloud Backup. The first time you run the Management Console, you will see the familiar mounting wizard when finding a cloud storage as the backend of your backup.


All the backup and restore can be managed from the Management Console.


There are 3 kinds of backup:

  • Backup by folder – you pick a folder and the folder content will be backup to the cloud, regardless of file-in-use or in-lock.
  • Backup by file type – you pick a file type such as documents or videos. All the files found with filter on the computer will be able to be backup to the cloud, regardless of file-in-use or in-lock.
  • Backup by application – all the applications that support volume shadow copy will show up. For example, you can backup SQL Server, Exchange Server and etc to the cloud.

All the backup support full backup and incremental backup. It supports multiple snapshot. You are also able to restore a subset of files and folders from a specific snapshot.

Visit Gladinet for more information.


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